RMU build Gen-1.5: II. Teleport - B. Install Teleport Software

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This page is part of the Gen-1.5 RMU build runbook.

Go back to the previous section: A. Create Teleport CT

B. Install Teleport Software

  1. Update the Teleport host:
    • Select RMU > 122 (teleport) > Console
    • Login with root and the password you set when creating the container.
    • Run the following commands one at a time:
              apt update
              apt upgrade -y
  2. Login to the teleport server again if necessary, then create a non-root administrator account (feel free to replace admin with whatever you like):useradd -u1000 -U -m -c "Admin" -s /bin/bash admin
  3. Install Teleport:
    • Browse to the following link: https://github.com/gravitational/teleport/releases
    • Edit the following command with the most updated version number on that page that has the Latest tag
      • Screenshot 2024-02-21 at 4.14.06 PM.png
                apt install curl net-tools -y
                curl https://goteleport.com/static/install.sh | bash -s <teleport version>
    • Edit the email address & cluster-name to your own:
      • NOTE: cluster-name should tie back to your domain and DNS records created earlier teleport.<domain> (here)
    • Then run the command:<syntax
              teleport configure -o file \
                  --acme --acme-email=<email address> \
  4. With your favorite editor, open the /etc/teleport.yaml file and make the following adjustments:
    • Under ssh_service:
      • Add labels: section:
                        dc: "<dc>"
                        login: "<admin user login>"
      • Remove `commands: section:
                      - name: hostname
                        command: [hostname]
                        period: 1m0s
      • Save and quit the file.
  5. Start the teleport service:
        systemctl enable teleport
        systemctl start teleport
  6. Create a teleport directory in the root home directory.mkdir teleport
  7. Use your favorite text editor and create a yaml file in /root/teleport/, feel free to name this yaml file to whatever you like. However make sure you also change the name in the metadata.name field. Also take notice of the <admin> listed in logins:, change this to whatever you set your username to be.
  8. In /root/teleport/team.yaml:
        kind: role
        version: v7
          name: team
            # List of logins to try for ssh
            logins: [root, ubuntu, <admin>, '{{internal.logins}}']
            # Allow PFOps access to all nodes (ssh)
              '*': '*'
            # Automatic sudoers entry upon login
            - 'ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL'
            # Allow PFOps to access all Apps (web, etc)
              '*': '*'
            # Future K8S stuff
            kubernetes_groups: ['{{internal.kubernetes_groups}}']
              '*': '*'
              - kind: '*'
                namespace: '*'
                name: '*'
                verbs: ['*']
  9. Run the following command to import it into the Teleport server: tctl create -f /root/teleport/team.yaml
  10. Create users (invitation links will be good for 24h):
    • To add users, run the following using this exact syntax:
      for USER in <username> <username> <username> <username>; do
        tctl users add --roles=team --ttl=24h ${USER}
    • The above command generates a URL for every user listed. Click on the link with the respected user, and you will be directed to a page to configure a password and Multi-factor authentication. Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 4.11.40 PM.png
    • Scan the QR Code with a Multi-factor authentication app.
    • Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 4.11.58 PM.png
  11. Once complete, you will be brought to the teleport home screen.
    • Screenshot 2023-12-18 at 4.13.43 PM.png

Continue to next section: C. Share RMU Services Via Teleport

Go to the index of the Gen-1.5 RMU build runbook.