Uploads by Malith

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
23:36, 7 February 2024 Server invoice geodd.pdf (file) 568 KB  
23:36, 7 February 2024 Board resolution for Loan.pdf (file) 3.2 MB Board resolution for acquiring credit facility to deploy new servers to ICP given by community approval in August 2023.
23:36, 7 February 2024 Bank Letter.pdf (file) 2.15 MB Letter from bank mentioning that credit facility was undertaking as per board resolution to deploy new servers to ICP and has been approved
16:42, 2 June 2023 Certified Verification.pdf (file) 65 KB Use the links in the PDF to view the current directors of Geodd Pvt Ltd. This file is verified and uploaded in the government website
16:42, 2 June 2023 Business Registration True Copy.pdf (file) 411 KB Business Registration Geodd
16:42, 2 June 2023 Self Declaration ICP.pdf (file) 55 KB Self Declaration Geodd Pvt Ltd