User: Stollmar
The self-declaration document can be found here:
The SHA256 hash of the linked PDF is: 549B11C43BD4D4705066EE24A65CE530D67F9DB35D9F4B406700D866C3D4D85
Proof of Identity
I am Mariano Stoll here is my AFIP registration number 20-34772519-7 and the proof is attach down:
entity documentation:
The SHA256 hash of the linked PDF is: 292D36140C03081B63BD76EC7758CE2654C9E7B4EE5D086B14915F09554D2EF6
Optimization Model
Had run the Optimization model with a result of 4 nodes for being add on the region, here are the results:
Optimization Model PDF: File:Marianostollvalidation.pdf
The SHA256 hash of the linked PDF is: 82520B33FCD7C21E9B806F16044125622CC29AAC9F70ECEADBAFBC349D3748B0