Users interact with dapps without tokens

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On the Internet Computer, a browser is all you need to interact with smart contracts. This removes the hurdle of having to create a wallet, hold tokens or pay expensive gas fees. This is in contrast with other blockchains where users need to hold tokens to do anything on the blockchain

Reverse Gas Model (AKA "canister pays")

Internet Computer dapps adopt a "Reverse Gas model" where developers load canisters with computation cycles in advance which in turn allows users to interact with a dapp without having to pay in tokens. Cycles are stable in cost are obtained by converting ICP tokens. This allows developers to know in advance how much they will need to spend on computation.

As an example, the Motoko Playground dapp is hosted and executed entirely on-chain and it does not require visitors to pay for the computation: The Internet Identity app is also a free to use application running on the IC.


There are many IC applications that allow to interact without tokens. One of the forerunning apps is Internet Identity app which allows to authenticate to many other apps. NFT Marketplaces like Entrepot allow to sign in with various wallets without the need of tokens.