Node Provider Roadmap

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Revision as of 19:45, 24 July 2023 by Andrew.battat (talk | contribs) (Add introduction)
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The Internet Computer is a decentralized network of nodes running the Internet Computer protocol. These nodes are owned by Node Providers who receive rewards for their nodes' useful work. Individuals or organizations can become Node Providers through submitting a proposal to the Network Nervous System (NNS), the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that governs the Internet Computer.

The more diverse the set of Node Providers who supply node machines, the more resilient the Internet Computer is. You can support the Internet Computer and the IC community by becoming a Node Provider and increasing decentralization.


The Node Provider roadmap outlines what is required of Node Providers, the reward model of the Internet Computer, guidance on hardware acquisition and data center contracts, in-depth best practices, node onboarding procedures, and much more.

There are five Node Provider milestones to go from scratch to being a Node Provider. Finally, the sixth milestone covers node management and maintenance once you're a Node Provider.