ICP custody with seed phrase and air-gapped machine
Getting your hardware and software ready
What you will need:
- air-gapped computer (not connected to the internet)
- networked smartphone
You will need to install the following into your air-gapped computer:
- keysmith
- https://github.com/dfinity/keysmith keysmith
- You will use this to generate important artifacts like `seed phrase` and `private key`
- openSSSL
- https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Binaries
- required by quill`
- quill
- https://github.com/dfinity/quill
- you will use this to craft messages like "create neuron" for the Internet Computer
- You can install it by downloading the binary for your operating system or by cloning and compiling the code
- note that once installed, the command to execute is `target/release/quill`
- qrencode
- https://github.com/fukuchi/libqrencode
- Generates QR codes for bridging the air gap
- Tip: if you have Homebrew, you can install via `brew install qrencode`
- jq
- https://github.com/stedolan/jq
- Required for creating multiple QR codes
- Tip: if you have Homebrew, you can install via `brew install jq`
- Copy and paste the following bash script into a file named `quill-qr.sh`:
Warning: Only tested on MacOSX and Linux.
bash #!/usr/bin/env bash URL=https://p5deo-6aaaa-aaaab-aaaxq-cai.raw.ic0.app IFS=$'\n' read -r -d -a messages < <( cat - | jq -M 'if . | type != "array" then [.] else . end' | jq -rcM .[] && printf '\0' ) for message in "${messages[@]}" do echo "$URL/?msg=$(echo "$message" | gzip -c | base64 | tr -d '\n' | sed -e 's/+/%2B/g' -e 's/\//%2F/g' -e 's/=/%3D/g')" | qrencode > qr.png open qr.png echo ENTER TO CONTINUE... read < /dev/tty clear done
Because an air-gapped computer is not connected to the internet, it can be a bit awkward to install these. The most common way to do it is to download them to a networked computer and transfer the files to the air-gapped computer via CD or USB drive. Others install these on a networked computer *and then* air-gap it.
Generate seed phrase and private key
Everything in this section occurs within your air-gapped computer.
Once you have `keysmith` and `quill` installed air-gapped computer ready, you are ready to start.
Use keysmith to generate a seed phrase
On the air-gapped computer:
$ keysmith generate -o seed.txt
Use `keysmith` to create a private key and store it in `private.pem` file
On the air-gapped computer:
$ keysmith private-key -o private.pem
Generate a ledger account number
Use `keysmith` to display a `ledger account number`
This command will display a long string which is your `ledger account number`. Below, I provide an example of what this may look like.
On the air-gapped computer:
$ keysmith account > 77b5eb9a465f4ce6f4da494ee2bfedeefe0b52d106e0272556c1ad991f99e3da
You should write the `ledger account number`
Secure your `seed phrase` properly
Properly store seed phrase
Now that you have generated your `seed phrase` and your keys, you need to write down and store your seed phrase so that you could recover your private key in case you lost it.
To properly store your `seed phrase` see options to store seed phrases.
NOTE: Do not go to next step until you properly store it.
Remove your `seed phrase` from your air-gapped computer
Now that the `seed phrase` is properly stored. You should delete it from your computer before moving forward so no one can use it to recreate your private key.
Remove it with the following command:
On the air-gapped computer:
$ rm -vf seed.txt
In this section, we did a few things, so let’s recap what we did and where we should be before moving forward.
If you do not end up with a table that looks like the one below, do not continue. Try again.
ROW1 | ROW1/COL2 |
ROW2 | ROW2/COL2 |
| Artifact | Example1 | Security| Final outcome| Storage |
| :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- | :------------- |
| `seed phrase` | `stove reject elder top dentist car suit license grid uncle ape wash`| • If someone has this, they can take your tokens.
• If you lose it, you can lose access to your ICP.
• You must store it in a safe and secure place in order to be able to regenerate your private key | • You created this via `keysmith` in this section in 4.1.1
• You will have properly stored in 4.1.4
• You deleted this from your computer in 4.1.5| on paper or [Billfodl](https://privacypros.io/products/the-billfodl/), possibly kept in a safe |
| `private key` | ```-----BEGIN EC PARAMETERS----- ``` (and continues...) | • If someone has this, they can take your tokens.
• If you lose it, you can recreate from seed phrase
| • You created this via `keysmith` in this section in 4.1.2. | to remain on air-gapped computer |
| `ledger account number` | `77b5eb9a465f4ce6f4da494ee2bfedeefe0b52d106e0272556c1ad991f99e3da`| • If someone has this, they can view your token balance.
• If you lose it, you can go through steps to get it back with your private key. | • You generate this in 4.1.3. This can be stored anywhere. | wherever you like |