How-To: Create an NNS motion proposal
This article explains one way to submit NNS motion proposals by using a few command line tools and a self-custody neuron.
To properly follow what is going on, there are a few high-level points worth highlighting:
Only Neurons can submit NNS proposals
Neurons with at least 1 ICP and 6 months of dissolve delay can submit NNS proposals. So the first step is to create such a neuron.
The NNS Governance Canister accepts motion proposals
The Governance Canister is just a canister like any other, so it has a Candid file, it accepts messages, etc... This article describes a way where you can have your local computer send a message to the governance canister (signed on behalf of a neuron) that contains a motion proposal.
One-time setup
Install Tools
1. Install dfx
- dfx is the canister SDK and it will be used to send messages from your machine to NNS
2. Install keysmith
- keysmith will be used to generate a privat/public key pair for the IC
- this article will assume that you execute quill on your local machine by running
3. Install quill
- quill is a minimalist "governance toolkit". It is wrapper for crafting & sending messages to the NNS and manage one's neuron.
- this article will assume that you execute quill on your local machine by running
$ target/release/quill [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>
Create a neuron
1. Create a private.pem
(private/public keypair) and Ledger account id
Before one starts, they need a private/public keypair.
// Create seed phrase $ keysmith generate -o seed.txt //Create private.pem $ keysmith private-key -o private.pem //Derive Ledger account from private key $ keysmith account -i 0
2. Link this private/public keypair to dfx
so you can use it as an "Identity"
In this case, the new identity is called "proposals"
$ dfx identity import proposals private.pem
- If you see “creating identity: proposals” in the terminal, this means it worked*
- further reading on dfx identities: dfx identity
3. Send ICP to the account ID
generated in step 1
4. Now that the account has the required ICP, spawn a neuron
Note: This section assumes you have Quill installed
4.1 Craft and send a message to spawn a neuron from the account
$ target/release/quill --pem-file private.pem neuron-stake --name $NAME --amount $AMOUNT > message.json $ target/release/quill send message.json
- You should see a message with a neuron ID spawned
5. Increase neuron dissolve to at least 6 months
- Time is measured in milliseconds in the NNS
- One year: 31557600 milliseconds
5.1 Craft message to send the neuron
$ target/release/quill --pem-file private.pem neuron-manage 148885932052941245 --additional-dissolve-delay-seconds 31557600 > message.json
5.2 Send just-created message to the Governance canister
$ target/release/quill send message.json