Bigger Capital

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Revision as of 06:23, 9 December 2023 by BiggercapitalAU (talk | contribs) (updated Validation of Candidate Node Machines)
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Self-declaration: sha256 7b13e1eac38d8023197737523d8486c51ef5fa3b6043c5385d103ebb3759643a

Bigger Capital Self-declaration.pdf

Identity Proof: sha256 46ccf5a7d1619d7c839b1e1b11dffc46bfe2419f67365b47fce6338d1d846860


Validation of Candidate Node Machines

Please Note: All following charts and Objective values are generated based on Current_nodes_20231208_222712.csv

before: sha256 2d96ca1fbd4def58879e9ae618dc71928947b140d59086803ecc7be2c736e4eb

configuration = {node_provider ='Bigger Capital',

data_center ='Melbourne 3',

data_center_provider ='5G Networks',

country = 'AU',

is_sev = True,

no_nodes = 0}

Bigger Capital Country node allocation before.png

after: sha256 d4185c8ffb4c60c724abd6f9eaacfd135269491e3593b2bd6e772b41c1814c31

configuration = {node_provider ='Bigger Capital',

data_center ='Melbourne 3',

data_center_provider ='5G Networks',

country = 'AU',

is_sev = True,

no_nodes = 4}

Bigger Capital Country node allocation after.png