DFINITY Foundation

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The DFINITY Foundation (whose native name is “DFINITY Stiftung”) is a not-for-profit organization based in Zürich, Switzerland, which is funded by an endowment worth several billion dollars. Its purpose is defined by a notarial deed, in a system regulated by the Central Switzerland BVG and Foundation Supervisory Authority (ZBSA). This is to contribute technology and support to the Internet Computer blockchain and its ecosystem, and to advocate for its mission. While it has no shareholders or stockholders, it acts competitively, with a mission to drive a “blockchain singularity”, in which the majority of humanity’s information systems and services are rebuilt and reimagined upon the Internet Computer using a new breed of advanced smart contracts. It currently employs more than 200 people, and boasts one of the world’s most highly-powered teams of cryptographers, research scientists and engineers, which it constantly expands as talent becomes available.